Historic Saluda North Carolina Established in 1881

 Historic Saluda | Memories, Places, and People That Make Saluda NC an Enchanted Place to Be

Fay Chandler Saluda NC

Saluda Memories from Faye Russell Chandler

In this excerpt from her oral history interview, LaFaye “Faye” Russell Chandler remembers a special treat from John Gordon’s store, the cleanest car in Saluda (and how it stayed that way), snow days in the 1950s, and the weekend Saluda square dances.


”La Faye Russell Chandler”

La Faye Russell Chandler, who goes by Faye, tells the Historic Saluda Committee about growing up in Saluda. Her two big brothers would often get stuck babysitting her and that got in the way of their fun, especially when they wanted to go coon hunting. Listen to Faye describe how her brothers solved the babysitting dilemma, which collided with bootlegging one night long ago.